Ah the cozy season is upon us but let's face it... the only times you find this season really cozy or beautiful, is usually when you're inside. Which makes winter one of best times to throw on your sweats and a robe to read a book or finally watch a movie you've been putting off and eating carbs while inhaling coffee or tea.
Given the amount of time that comes inherited from the hibernation season, I have decided that this post will include some movies, music, books to help enjoy your chill time bruh.
What I'm Watching
Dawson's Creek
-(Ok, don't laugh but I have been watching Dawson's creek for around 2 months now... I want to say that it's just a good background show that you don't invest yourself too much time into but that's a lie. Just the soundtrack alone, followed by the fashion is so 90's, Y2k. The music reminds me of riding the bus in the 90's or hearing it on the radio, waiting for the next good song to come on so you can press record on the doped mixtape you were recording (*Me showing my age, as if the show interest alone weren't enough*)
School Of Chocolate
-The second show I'm watching (for the second time) is "School Of Chocolate" on Netflix. If there is nothing cozier during the winter and holiday season, it is to watch a friendly food competition while being mesmerized at the wide array of ways you can manipulate chocolate! There is only one season out right now but I would suggest watching it when you just want to relax.
What I'm Reading
So if you are anything like me, you might also have a couple books that you are currently reading at the time, then you are either a nutty buddy or an avid reader... I myself subscribe to both of those issues.
Right now I am reading 2 books, the first one is "Last Girl Ghosted," I try to have a murder mystery within my rotation because these help hold my attention and want to continue reading. In between, I try to squeeze in something more educational or for more personal growth like a self help or something on spiritual exploration.
Last Girl Ghosted
- Secrets, obsession and vengeance converge in this riveting thriller about an online dating match turned deadly cat-and-mouse game, from the New York Times bestselling author of Confessions on the 7:45.
Maybe it was her fault. She shared too much, too fast. But isn't that always what women think—that they're the ones to blame? Soon she learns there were others. Girls who thought they were in love. Girls who later went missing. She had been looking for a connection, but now she's looking for answers. Chasing a digital trail into his dark past—and hers—she finds herself on a dangerous hunt. And she's not sure whether she's the predator—or the prey.
Rolling Thunder
- Rolling Thunder, the subject of this book, is a keeper of tribal secrets-a modern medicine man. After witnessing one of Rolling Thunder's healing rituals at a conference sponsored by the research department of the Menninger Foundation, Doug Boyd decided to open his mind fully to the mysteries of such secret healing powers as might be revealed to him. Boyd's book is an account by a contemporary white man of the inner experience of American Indians, an exploration into what some accept as the "real" world. To the believer or to the skeptic, Boyd's experiences form a penetrating and challenging story of a world that is little known to most Americans.
What I'm listening to
What we have been working on

-We wanted to come up with a holiday candle that was reminiscent of the fragrances you bathe in during the holiday time. The smell of Cinnamon, mixed with a smooth and creamy vanilla mixed with the smell of pine. All of it reminds me of a chai latte on the couch during a holiday morning with the smell of the tree in the back ground and a white film of snow covering everything outdoors.

-As you may have noticed we have continued to sell and create new designs for our crystal jewelry. If you have not already followed our instagram, then you are missing out @TheHausOfDeVille. There we share more behind the scenes of shooting and making our products as well as previews of new things to come.
Well thank you for catching up with me, I hope you like some of the new playlist or decide to pick up one of the book recommendations.